Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Yes thank you I know how important communication is, but having you telling me your every single bloody (negative) thought and repeating it is quite horrible. It's bloody irritating that it'll always and forever be a one-way thing because I will never have the right to really really tell you what I feel. Suddenly feel like communication is so overrated. You make me feel like there isn't a thing called communication, just YOU always making ME listen to whatever you have to say. Hold on, that isn't even communication, we're not even on the same level. I'm so afraid I'm unconsciously turning out this way as well.

Can you people just leave me alone. Please listen to this one little request. Please don't rant your head off when you can clearly tell the person needs some quiet time. Just a short while. I'll listen to you speak maybe even after half an hour. I've tolerated for so long before finally using silence to deal with it. I didn't shout! I haven't turned that knob in years, please at least figure out what that should mean before shooting off like a bullet train. Seems like tolerating is not a good thing, because people like you will go on till the boiling point has reached and go "oh, didn't know you were tolerating".

And stop trying to pry me open. I'm not going to open up. Go. away.

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